How to buy or purchasing a plan on TradeLand is quite simple and can be done in just a few steps:
Visit the TradeLand website: Start by visiting the official TradeLand website at
Navigate to the Pricing Section: On the homepage, scroll down to the ‘Our Pricing’ section where you’ll see the different plans available.
Choose a Plan: Review the features of each plan — Basic, Starter, Pro, Institutional — and decide which one suits your needs the best.
Select Plan: Click on the button associated with your chosen plan. For Basic, it would be “Current Plan”.
For the other plans, it would be “Upgrade”.
Follow the Checkout Process: You’ll be directed to a checkout page. Here, enter your payment details and any other required information.
Confirm Payment: Review your order and confirm the payment. Once the payment is confirmed, your chosen plan will be activated and you can start setting up your AI trading bots.
Remember, you must be logged into your TradeLand account to purchase a plan. If you don’t have an account, you’ll need to create one first.